![2017-04-14 17.50.11](https://c1.staticflickr.com/3/2866/33247191763_540fd17b4f_z.jpg)
Here's my piece of aluminium, with some trial printouts of the panel layout. These aren't yet final, but show it will all fit. The fascia (bottom) has had a suitable sized hole cut out, with two other layers cut too, one to the size of the panel, and one a little smaller.
![2017-04-15 15.07.04](https://c1.staticflickr.com/3/2889/34058776115_a5ff1980fb_z.jpg)
The two layers are glued behind the fascia creating a 6mm deep recess which the panel just fits, and a support which it will eventually be screwed to. These two layers also reinforce the thin ply edges so this is not a weak point. Meanwhile, the foam-core board is cut away with a knife to make space.
![2017-04-15 21.18.29](https://c1.staticflickr.com/3/2811/34058775965_a33a31c3bb_z.jpg)
Fitting it together, you can see how the foam-core structure and the timber reinforcement conspire to make access from the rear so tricky. I've also added a socket for the power connections at the same time.
![2017-04-15 21.17.55](https://c1.staticflickr.com/3/2809/33247191583_aedefbbd0b_z.jpg)
All fitted together. I need to drill the panel for the holding screws, when I drill it for the switches too. I've also cut and fitted the "wings" that frame the sides of the scene, and hide the untidy bits like split hinges and back-scene framing.
![2017-04-15 21.21.47](https://c1.staticflickr.com/3/2898/34058775745_70509fd7e1_z.jpg)
Talking of the back-scene, I've used some offcuts of the thin timber strip to brace it. These are screwed to the lower reinforcement, glued to the ply back-scene, and stapled through from the front. The ply back-scene is much stiffer now, with no tendency to bow.
![2017-04-15 21.22.34](https://c1.staticflickr.com/3/2865/34058775575_a6673fe922_z.jpg)
So there we have it, one tidy looking, solid, yet surprisingly lightweight base-board. I do need to add a lighing beam - when I've decided what lighting to use - but for now I can proceed to track-laying!
If it takes one man two weeks to build one baseboard, how long does it take eight men to build two baseboards?
About two years... ;)
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