Friday 7 July 2023

Comissioning Nesta

Encouraged by the reasonably successful fitment of the Microtrains coupling to the Baldwin, I decided to see if I could improve the method with Nesta. The problem I had on the Baldwin was that the upper part of the coupling had no recess for it's retaining pip, and so the coupling flopped to one side. A bit of packing made it kinda work, but what if I could create a recess for the pip? 

Here's what I tried. The 10-thou plastic shim fits up into the coupling pocket first, and has a recess that the coupling pip (reduced in height) fits into. The two parts of the coupling fit next around the pivot point (with the spring inside them), and finally a cut-down draft-box lid forms the bottom, held in place by the Bachmann screw. Unfortunately, in practice it doesn't seem to work well. For some reason the coupling doesn't seem to self-centre, and yet it is too stiff to react to the magnet. In fact, it doesn't work as well as the compromised Baldwin coupling. I may have to try a mk3 approach, if I can think of one. 

Nonetheless I have treated Nesta to some finishing. While a delightful model it is too clean and shiny, and looked toy-like. While I had the paints out for the Baldwin I gave it a well-thinned dark grey wash, wiped off the panels, which makes a barely discernable difference to the colour but tones it down and gives and oily rag clean look. This almost ended in disaster as the enamel thinners started to lift the lining on the cabside, fortunately I recovered it and stopped quickly - I had done enough anyway. I will have to think of an alternative weathering approach for RTR locos! A light dusting with weathering powders and a coat of Dullcote matt varnish (with the motion masked off) completed the job, hopefully giving the feel of a well kept but working loco. 

The supplied name and works plates were then stuck in place with a smear of matt modge podge on the back, a little real coal dust stuck onto the fake stuff in the bunker, and the fire iron and shovel attached. The crew are by Modelu specifically for this model, and were painted at the same time as the Baldwin crew (and some other figures). They are delightfully detailed, and really suit the loco. I should have done a trial fitment before painting though as the driver needed lipo-suction to his buttocks before he could sit comfortably on the back sheet! 

If I can get the Microtrains coupling to work reliably it could see service on Loctern Quay, otherwise I may have to revert to the standard coupling and use it for passenger trains on Hexworthy. 

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