Thursday 1 June 2023

More lighting and a kiosk

Some time (years) ago I'd picked up this ice cream kiosk fitted with lighting, thinking it would add some colour and light to the car park at Hexworthy. When I eventually got it out of its box and applied power to the leads nothing happenned - no light at all.

Of course I dismantled the kiosk but the problem wasn't a dodgy lead, so I presume something is amis inside the strip of 3 LEDs. Still, now it's in pieces it wasn't hard to fit a replacement light, I chose a white LED, which gives a cold white rather like flourescant lighting. 

The new LED was fitted in a top corner where it wouldn't be seen through the open hatch and the wire run out through the existing hole. While it was apart, I painted the interior and the plasticky and featureless person that had been crudely stuck in - no real detail is needed - and the visible parts of the chassis. 

The kiosk was reassembled and given light weathering using a dirty wash, adding shadow to panel gaps and very slight streaking in places, plus a dirty roof. I also added fine wire lengths looped around the axles behind the wheels and twisted together. 

The wire tails behind the wheels are to hold the relatively heavy die-cast model in place, glue on the wheels wouldn't be adequate. Small holes were punched through the ground just inside each wheel, and a larger hole for the lighting wires. The twisted holding wires were coated with matt medium before being pushed down through the holes. On the right, the playground was lifted out so I could reach the wires underneath, the lighting wires being passed through to the relevant terminal block. 

The kiosk in place next to the playground, the roof is grubby but the sides have only slight streaking as though kept cleaning. 

The last lighting job was to fit the platform lamps. These are Gaugemaster/DCC Concepts, but I found the green a little bright, so I painted them a darker, more muted shade. 

The fitting of the platform lamps was left until now so they are not knocked when working on other scenics. Two are easily visible, the third is the far end of the station near the water tower. 

At dusk the lighting is quite effective and atmospheric, the station area being well lit by the under-canopy lights as well as the platform lights, and the ice cream kiosk casting a stark light across the car park. In the far distance, the glowing phone box is tricky to spot. The station cafe (old goods shed) will need some interior detail!

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