
Sunday, 18 August 2013

Backscene and buildings progress

A big visual step forward has been achieved with the fitting of the backscene. The sky came from Gaugemaster and has been fixed in place with 3M spray "Craft Mount", after advice received on forums this seemed the best way to avoid bubbles and ensure good adhesion. As the adhesive grabbed very quickly fitting it was a nervous moment, only one chance to get it right, but with a little help from my wife we got it in place without mishap.

Having taken some photos of the actual Thakeham site it seemed a shame not to use some to add depth to the scene. I know some are able to do great things with image editing software to splice photos and merge them into a coherent backscene, one day I'd like to give that a go, but for now some printouts and careful work with the scalpel has done a fair job, a grey felt pen disguises any white paper edges. The scenes aren't necessarily of the correct aspect relative to the model, but I think it works overall. The joins will be disguised by the buildings and other scenic features.

Also visible in the photo above, the centre ground has been raised a little and a sheet of brick embossed plastic is being painted to represent the block-paved area used to stack the finished concrete products. Really it should be a herringbone pattern but I've had to settle for a conventional brick pattern.

The buildings have made some progress too with roofs, doors and door-frames being made up from plasticard. I've added plenty of bracing so hopefully there will be no warping. On to the paint-shop now!

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1 comment:

  1. That backscene looks really good. I'm dreading the time when I try and glue mine in place because as you say you really only get once chance to do it right.


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